6 Ekim 2018 Cumartesi


What does “recycle” mean?.Recycle mean:collect used materials to return to first time.İt so important  because no spend new source for make item.Paper,plastic,battery,cardboard can be recycle.Recycle  good for environment.İf we dont recycle,can be finish source.Also can be problem ecnomy.Recycle doing save money.Also electricity can be save money.What can we do save money to electric?Can be saving do close room or bathroom lamb or when not watch tv,we can close tv or not use phone be  not full charge or not open night lamb.And come my opinion in recycle.We must throw materials in the class basket.

4 yorum:

  1. Recycle means
    İt is so important because "no spend new source for make item". I couldnt understand you wanted to say here in ""

    Please explain it!

    Thanks in advance

    1. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

    2. I want to say “Geri dönüşüm önemlidir.Çünkü yeni eşyalar yaparken yeni kaynak kullanmayız”

  2. Recycling is important because we do not use new sources while producing new goods.
